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  • Which factor contributes more to engine efficiency: a higher compression ratio or a turbocharger?
    April 5, 2024

    Which factor contributes more to engine efficiency: a higher compression ratio or a turbocharger?

    When it comes to enhancing engine performance and efficiency, both compression ratio and turbochargers play crucial roles. Let’s break down their impact: 1. Compression Ratio: The Heart of Combustion Efficiency Definition: The compression ratio (CR) represents the ratio of the volume at bottom dead center (BDC) to the volume at top dead center (TDC) within the engine cylinder. Significance: A higher compression ratio allows an engine to extract more mechanical energy from a given mass of air-fuel mixture. Here’s why: During the compression stroke, the air-fuel mixture is compressed to a smaller...

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  • How do I incorporate a turbocharger into an engine?
    December 25, 2023

    How do I incorporate a turbocharger into an engine?

    Incorporating a turbocharger into an engine can significantly enhance its performance by increasing the engine’s power output. Here’s a simplified guide on how to do it: Understand the Basics: A turbocharger is made up of two main sections the turbine and the compressor. The turbine is driven by the engine’s exhaust gases, which in turn spins a compressor. This compressor draws in and compresses air, allowing a greater volume of air to enter into the combustion chamber. More air means more fuel can be added,...

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  • What are the impacts of not having a turbocharger in a car?
    December 5, 2023

    What are the impacts of not having a turbocharger in a car?

    A turbocharger is a device that uses the exhaust gases from an engine to spin a turbine and a compressor, which increases the amount of air and fuel that can enter the combustion chamber. This results in more power and torque output from the engine, as well as improved fuel efficiency and lower emissions. However, not having a turbocharger in a car does not necessarily mean that the car will perform poorly or consume more fuel. There are many factors that affect the performance and...

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  • How much power do you lose with an aftermarket turbocharger?
    November 29, 2023

    How much power do you lose with an aftermarket turbocharger?

    When it comes to aftermarket turbochargers, there's a common misconception that they lead to a significant loss of power. However, this is not necessarily the case, especially when you choose a high-quality product from a reputable manufacturer like E&E one of the largest and oldest companies in the world for turbocharger manufacturing in the aftermarket. The power output of a turbocharger is largely dependent on its design and construction. At E&E, we ensure optimum performance by providing balancing certificates with the turbo core. This guarantees that the turbocharger is perfectly balanced,...

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  • Significant difference between a supercharger and a turbocharger
    November 25, 2023

    Significant difference between a supercharger and a turbocharger

    The significant difference between a supercharger and a turbocharger lies in their source of energy. Superchargers are mechanically driven by the engine’s crankshaft, usually through a belt or gear, while turbochargers are powered by the exhaust gases generated by the engine. A turbocharger, like the Garret Turbocharger or Holset Turbocharger, ses the engine’s exhaust gas to drive a turbine. This turbine spins an air compressor that pushes extra air (and oxygen) into the cylinders, allowing them to burn more fuel each second. As a result, a turbocharger can significantly boost an...

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